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Volume 1:  "One-Armed Renegade"
Volume 2:  "Fallen One"
Volume 3:  "Where Angels Fear To Tread"
Web Comic Archives/Page Reference
Volume 4:  "Savior"
Volume 5:  "Fall With Your Knife"
Click the cover art to view that particular Volume, or select individual pages from the list.
A strange being with multiple glowing wings saves a young woman from being hit by a train and is gravely injured.  Could he be her guardian angel?

In the rundown industrial wasteland known as Sanction 9, sheltered nurse Ophelia dreams of one day escaping the controlling arms of her husband Dublin, who warns of a powerful weapon on the lose. On a whim she decides to go out and explore the city, only to end up chased by robots, shunned by drifter clones, lost and then cornered by giant mutated insects. A strange young man comes to her rescue, but what is it about him that captivates her so? And why is he bleeding?

Worried Ophelia follows her new found savior Gauge to a strange nightclub and discovers more than she would have wanted to about him.  Discouraged, she sets out into the night, only to be hunted by a gang of Airship Pirates. Before they can take her, Gauge comes to her rescue but there appears to be something terribly wrong with him.
A fight erupts between him and Pirate leader Orleans, and Ophelia has no idea she is about to find out who, and what Gauge truly is!
His identity revealed to Ophelia, Hospitalized Gauge now faces the daunting task of explaining himself to her.  Delusional from a serious blood infection, Gauge recalls his past, and the death of his former lover.  Due to being unable to control the weapon inside of him while enraged, Gauge sees a vision of it's power tearing a soldier limb-from limb.  After being awakened from his slight comatose state, Gauge now faces a new challenge- Ophelia's clone-hating husband Dublin.
With Gauge still in the hospital, Ophelia recalls her past, and the reason she feels such a strong connection to him.  During her years at the Sanction 7 Orphanage, she had a friend by the name of Sakuma who was very strange, but would have given his life for her.  Ophelia questions whether Gauge could be a clone of her long-lost best friend.  In the midst of her daydreams, She is confronted by Dublin, who hits her with strong words, and a back hand.  Weakened, but recovering Gauge comes to her rescue, but is quickly pulled into a massive, almost one-sided battle with the enraged Doctor!
Volume 6:  "BreakAway"
[  Archive Coming Soon! ]
With his newly found trust for Ophelia, Gauge shares the story of his past. Follow a narrated flashback of the history of Gauge's creators, a young RUBICON scientist named Terubami, and his Teacher, Arc General Luscious, as well as how he became a weapon. Learn about Gauge's missing arm, his lost love Ellie, and his journey to Sanction 9.  All seems calm with the two new friends, but just when they think they are out of danger, a new threat emerges!

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200 Page Special

The word is out...  Because of spiteful Dublin, Gauge has been discovered by RUBICON and he must make a run for it!  Ophelia tags along for the ride, or that is, until Gauge attempts to leave her behind for her own safety.  Refusing to let him back down on his word,  Ophelia goes after him once again, only for both to be faced with not only Dubin, but the true force and power of the RUBCION Empire!
Volume 7:  "Rebel"

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After losing track of Salvation 1, RUBICON Arc General Rogue must now double his efforts to catch their AWOL weapon, or face deadly consequences. Meanwhile, Gauge and Ophelia are rescued by a not-so-unfamiliar person from Gauge's part- Baron Virgo Von Drake.  After he takes them in to his apartment, Ophelia begins to resent his luxurious lifestyle- that is until she learns Virgo's past. Gauge struggles with the fact that Virgo may be the father of his unborn child, and that he must now tell him the truth.